On a perfect day, everything is ready to go before the patient arrives. Your assistant has the room cleaned. Your drill and other tools are all lined up, sterilized, and ready for use. The patient’s insurance has been verified. But there’s one final thing to take care of — obtaining consent for treatment.
Consent forms ensure that patients understand the risks and benefits of a service, their rights to medical records, and other practice-specific policies prior to being administered a dental procedure.
On top of all the other steps to prepare for a procedure, getting signed consent from patients can be a tedious, time-consuming task to add to your team’s busy workload. That’s why we’ve introduced Automated Consents.
This new feature allows customizable consent forms to be sent to patients automatically prior to their appointment, further streamlining pre-appointment processes and eliminating hours of manual data entry while maintaining a written record of informed consent on file for all patients.
No more printing pages worth of consent forms, waiting for the patient to arrive to sign them, and then scanning and uploading them into your practice management software.
The new Automated Consents feature automatically detects which procedure codes are on a patient’s scheduled appointment. Then, all the necessary consent forms for their scheduled treatment are sent to them automatically via text, email, or mobile app.
These digital consent forms will be pre-filled with applicable provider names and/or tooth numbers directly from the practice management software. You can choose which consents accompany which procedure codes to ensure your patients always get the right paperwork.
You’ll get a notification once your patient has signed their consent(s), and signed copies are instantly saved to the patient’s chart in your practice management software.
This means fewer holes in office documentation, less manual work, and an improved patient experience. Plus, by having your consent forms stored digitally in the cloud, they’re not only more secure, but easier to access.
By giving your patients access to consent forms prior to their appointment, you allow them plenty of time to thoroughly read important information and address any questions they may have. It will also save your patients and team valuable time during the appointment by removing the time spent dealing with paperwork in the office.
Dental Intelligence already has a robust library of consent form templates ready for your office to customize and use, along with a full library of patient forms that includes health history forms, contact information, insurance updates, office policies, and so much more.
Tired of dealing with piles of paperwork? Make the decision today to relieve your team of hours of manual work and improve your patient experience by adding Automated Consents to your office operations. Schedule a demo of Dental Intelligence today to see how Automated Consents can help you Practice Smarter.™