Dental Intelligence Certified Partner

The Team Training Institute

Top Performer



Business Planning

Hygiene Coaching

At The Team Training Institute, we work with dental practices around the country to make sure their offices run smoothly and profitably each day. We help practices analyze where they are now and what they want to achieve using their practice data from Dental Intel to identify areas of opportunity. Then we help our clients capitalize on those opportunities and achieve their goals by training the team to implement processes and systems needed to deliver excellent care, operate efficiently, and build a more successful practice. We continue to track and monitor their progress with Dental Intel practice data to ensure continuous improvement in patient care and an ongoing return on investment. Available Team Training Institute programs include Hygiene Training, Business Training, and Leadership Coaching.

Featured Partner Resources


Want higher production? This week we, learn about the 5 steps that can double or triple practice productivity from Wendy Briggs and Dr. John Meis of the Team Training Institute and Hygiene Diamonds.

How To Fill Chairs with Same-Day Dentistry with Wendy Briggs and Dr. John Meis

Growth in Dentistry


Ep. #



May 16, 2024

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Ep. #


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In this webinar, Wendy Briggs walks us through the true growth opportunities that exist when we focus on the patient first. Becoming an advocate for patients creates bigger impact, in their health and in your practice success.

The Growth Formula of the Top 1%: How Becoming Patient Treatment Advocates Drives Practice Growth (with Wendy Briggs)

Practice Performance Partners


May 15, 2024

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The Team Training Institute

's Favorite Features

Favorite Features

Smart Schedule

The most impactful time to impact revenue in the practice is when the patient is in the dental office. Smart Schedule highlights unscheduled treatment opportunities, unscheduled family members, and unpaid balances, all with just a click of a button.
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Morning Huddle

Before the morning starts, Dental Intelligence has already built a complete Morning Huddle for your entire team. You'll start the day with all the metrics you need, automatically organized into an easy-to-read, customizable presentation. That means no more running reports manually, and no more mornings spent elbow-deep in your practice management system.
Learn More


The Team Training Institute